Monday, 16 August 2010

Waterfront Market

Aug 8th, A lovely day at Waterfront Market, Ipswich:

Some of the one off pieces SOLD:
Shell print eco knickers:

Dancing Postcards:

SOLD since the market:


  1. Well done - looks lovely - shame i missed it !

  2. love your photos , I didn't know Ipswich had a waterfront market what days is it open?

  3. hi there, thanks for the comments! yes it was a lovely day, like being in the med! caught a few rays - v busy - ipswich doesn't normally have a waterfront market :-( a shame as the part it was located on hasn't been finished yet so would be a great place to host one regularly. There was however another one a while back, I think with Deben Events, that spanned the whole waterfront which I heard was v busy and gd too!
